Automating Snapshot Deletion and Taking Snapshots

Post date: Mar 30, 2015 2:09:38 PM

A failure to manage multiple snapshots correctly in a large environment can have disastrous consequences. The snapshot can grow to exceed capacity of a LUN/Datastore for instance, resulting in an outage for other VMs in the same Datastore. This was developed with the intention to use the snapshot description to set an expiration date on the snapshot. The script asks for a ticket#, an expiration date, a reason for taking the snapshot, and the name of the VM. This script in conjunction with the auto delete scheduled task makes automated snapshot management without vCAC or vCloud Director possible. Before running the script make sure your execution policy is set to bypass. To take a snapshot rightclick the script, run with powershell, and follow the prompts.

# =============================================================================

# ======== VM Snapshot Automation ========

# ======== by ========

# ======== KnightUSN ========

# ======== v1.0 - 2/5/2015 ========

# =============================================================================

Write-Host " "

Write-Host "******************** DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW ********************"

Write-Host " "

Write-Host "Preparing New Snapshot form..."

Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

$vCenterIP = <Enter vCenterIP>

Function New-SnapInfo{

#Load Assembly for creating form & button

[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( “System.Windows.Forms”)

[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( “Microsoft.VisualBasic”)

#Define the form size & placement

$Form = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.Form”;

$Form.Width = 400;

$Form.Height = 190;

$Form.Text = "Automated Snapshot Form";

$Form.StartPosition = [System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition]::CenterScreen;

#Define Text Label1

$TextLabel1 = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.Label”;

$TextLabel1.Left = 10;

$TextLabel1.Top = 10;

$TextLabel1.Text = "Incident #";

#Define Text Label2

$TextLabel2 = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.Label”;

$TextLabel2.Left = 10;

$TextLabel2.Top = 50;

$TextLabel2.Height = 40;

$TextLabel2.Text = "Expiration (MM/DD/YYYY)";

#Define Text Label3

$TextLabel3 = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.Label”;

$TextLabel3.Left = 10;

$TextLabel3.Top = 90;

$TextLabel3.Text = "Reason";

#Define Text Label4

$TextLabel4 = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.Label”;

$TextLabel4.Left = 10;

$TextLabel4.Top = 130;

$TextLabel4.Text = "VM Name";

#Define Text Box1 for input

$TextBox1 = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.TextBox”;

$TextBox1.Left = 130;

$TextBox1.Top = 10;

$TextBox1.width = 150;

#Define Text Box2 for input

$TextBox2 = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.TextBox”;

$TextBox2.Left = 130;

$TextBox2.Top = 50;

$TextBox2.width = 150;

#Define Text Box3 for input

$TextBox3 = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.TextBox”;

$TextBox3.Left = 130;

$TextBox3.Top = 90;

$TextBox3.width = 150;

#Define Text Box4 for input

$TextBox4 = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.TextBox”;

$TextBox4.Left = 130;

$TextBox4.Top = 130;

$TextBox4.width = 150;

#Define default values for the input boxes

$DefaultValue = “”

$TextBox1.Text = $DefaultValue;

$TextBox2.Text = $DefaultValue;

$TextBox3.Text = $DefaultValue;

$TextBox4.Text = $DefaultValue;

#Define OK button

$Button = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.Button”;

$Button.Left = 295;

$Button.Top = 130;

$Button.Width = 80;

$Button.Text = “OK”;

#This is when you have to close the form after getting values

$EventHandler = [System.EventHandler]{






$Button.Add_Click($EventHandler) ;

#Add controls to all the above objects defined










$Ret = $Form.ShowDialog();

#Return Values

Return $TextBox1.Text, $TextBox2.Text, $TextBox3.Text, $TextBox4.Text

} #End New-SnapInfo Function

#New-Popup Function

Function New-Popup {

Param (

[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Enter a message for the popup")]



[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Enter a title for the popup")]



[Parameter(Position=2,HelpMessage="How many seconds to display? Use 0 require a button click.")]

[ValidateScript({$_ -ge 0})]


[Parameter(Position=3,HelpMessage="Enter a button group")]




[Parameter(Position=4,HelpMessage="Enter an icon set")]


[ValidateSet("Stop","Question","Exclamation","Information" )]



#Convert buttons to their integer equivalents

Switch ($Buttons) {

"OK" {$ButtonValue = 0}

"OKCancel" {$ButtonValue = 1}

"AbortRetryIgnore" {$ButtonValue = 2}

"YesNo" {$ButtonValue = 4}

"YesNoCancel" {$ButtonValue = 3}

"RetryCancel" {$ButtonValue = 5}


#Set an integer value for Icon type

Switch ($Icon) {

"Stop" {$iconValue = 16}

"Question" {$iconValue = 32}

"Exclamation" {$iconValue = 48}

"Information" {$iconValue = 64}


#Create the COM Object

Try {

$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell -ErrorAction Stop

#Button and icon type values are added together to create an integer value



Catch {

#You should never really run into an exception in normal usage

Write-Warning "Failed to create Wscript.Shell COM object"

Write-Warning $_.exception.message


} #End New-Popup Function

#Prompt user for Snapshot Requirements and Define Objects

$SnapForm = New-SnapInfo

$Incident = $SnapForm[0]

$Expiration = $SnapForm[1] -as [DateTime]

$Reason = $SnapForm[2]

$VMname = $SnapForm[3]

$Admin = [Environment]::UserName

$Date = Get-Date

#Input Validation

Write-Host "Verifying Requirements..."

If($Incident -eq "" -or $Incident.Contains(" ")){

New-Popup "You MUST have an INC. Input may not contain spaces. Please use format INCXXXXXX" "ERROR: Incident" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "You MUST have an INC. Input may not contain spaces. Please use format INCXXXXXX"



If (!$Expiration){

New-Popup "You have entered an invalid expiration date." "ERROR: Expiration Date" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "You have entered an invalid expiration date."



If($Expiration -le $Date -or $Expiration -ge ($Date+14d)){

New-Popup "The entered Expiration Date exceeds policy maximums." "ERROR: Expiration Date" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "The entered Expiration Date exceeds policy maximums."



If($Expiration -ge ($Date+7d)){

New-Popup "The entered Expiration Date exceeds the Default. Has this been Justified?" "WARNING: Expiration Date" 0 "OK" "Exclamation"


If($Reason -eq ""){

New-Popup "You MUST have an Reason for taking this snapshot. Please refer to ticket before continuing" "ERROR: Reason Missing" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "You MUST have an Reason for taking this snapshot. Please refer to ticket before continuing"



If($VMname -eq ""){

New-Popup "OOPS! You've missed something. Please input a VM Name" "ERROR: VM Missing" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "OOPS! You've missed something. Please input a VM Name"



#Connecting to vCenter

Write-Host "Connecting to vCenter..."

Connect-VIserver -Server $vCenterIP -Protocol https

Write-Host "Connected to vCenter!"

#VM Checks...

Write-Host "Checking VM..."

$VM = Get-vm $VMname


New-Popup "Sorry! It seems this VM does not exist. Please check the Name of the VM and try again." "ERROR: VM Does Not Exist" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "Sorry! It seems this VM does not exist. Please check the Name of the VM and try again."



If($VM.VMhost.Parent.Name -eq "VDI"){

New-Popup "You may not snapshot a VM in the VDI cluster." "ERROR: Cluster not appropriate!" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "You may not snapshot a VM in the VDI cluster"



#Snapshot Validation Checks...

Write-Host "Snapshot Validation In Progress..."


$VMsnap = $VM | Get-Snapshot


If($VMsnap.Name.Contains("NBU_SNAPSHOT" -eq "True")){

New-Popup "There is an active backup currently in progress. Please Try Again Later." "ERROR: Active Backup In Progress" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "There is an active backup currently in progress. Please Try Again Later."



If($VMsnap.Name.contains("snapshot-") -eq "True" -or $VMsnap.Name.contains("vdm-initial-") -eq "True"){

New-Popup "There is an active snapshot currently owned by another team and cannot be modified. Please contact a VM Administrator." "ERROR: Snapshot Ownership Issue" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "There is an active snapshot currently owned by another team and cannot be modified. Please contact a VM Administrator."



New-Popup "Looks like a snapshot already exists on this VM. Please remove." "ERROR: VM Snapshot Already Exists" 0 "OK" "STOP"

Throw "Looks like a snapshot already exists on this VM. Please remove."



#Description Formatting

$dDate = Get-Date -format d

$dExpiration = '{0:MM/dd/yyyy}' -f $expiration

$SnapDesc = "EXPIRATION:"+$dExpiration+": "+$Incident+" - "+$Reason+", Taken "+$dDate+" by "+$Admin+";"

#Taking Snapshot

Write-Host "Taking Snapshot, please wait..."

New-Snapshot $VM -Name $Incident -Description $SnapDesc

#Checking for successful VM Snapshot

$VM = Get-VM $VMname


New-Popup "Congratulations! Your snapshot request has completed!" "INFO: Snapshot Complete" 0 "OK" "Information"



New-Popup "Something happened the snapshot did not complete successfully." "ERROR: Snapshot Failure" 0 "OK" "Stop"



#The following script is configured as a scheduled task. It looks for snapshots excluding backups and other cases. It then checks the contents between the first set of ":". If there is no errors and the vm has exceeded the expiration date it is removed. A detailed report of what snaps are out there, what was deleted, and what had errors is then e-mailed to whoever is added to the $MailTo array.

# =============================================================================

# ======== VM Snapshot Deletion Automation ========

# ======== by ========

# ======== KnightUSN ========

# ======== v1.0 - 1/26/2015 ========

# =============================================================================

#This Script grabs the vms and snapshots then filters the snapshots by excluding VMs with snapshot names that .Contains("exclude")

#Takes 4-5mins to run looking for a cleaner filtering model

add-pssnapin VMware.VImAutomation.Core

#Enter your vCenter IP

$vCenterIP = <Enter vCenterIP>

$MailSender = ""

$MailTo = @("",

Connect-VIserver -Server $vCenterIP -Protocol https #-User user1 -Password $pswd

$Date = Get-Date

#uses the following to modify your filters

$Snaps = Get-VM | ?{$_.VMHost.Parent -ne "VDI"} | Get-Snapshot | ?{$_.Name.Contains("snapshot-") -ne "True" -and $_.Name.Contains("NetBackup/Veeam") -ne "True" -and $_.Name.Contains("initial-") -ne "True"}

[System.Collections.ArrayList]$RemainingSnaps = $Snaps

$DeletedSnaps = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

$ErrorSnaps = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

ForEach($Snap in $Snaps){

$Desc = $Snap.Description

$Expiration = $Desc.Split('::')[1] -as [DateTime]

If($Date -ge $Expiration){

Write-host "Deleting Snapshot "$Snap.Name

Remove-Snapshot $Snap -Confirm:$False -RunAsync









$Rsnaps = $RemainingSnaps | Select @{N="VM";E={$_.VM.Name}}, Name, Description, @{N="Size";E={[math]::round($_.SizeGB,2)}} | Out-String

$Dsnaps = $DeletedSnaps | Select @{N="VM";E={$_.VM.Name}}, Name, Description, @{N="Size";E={[math]::round($_.SizeGB,2)}} | Out-String

$Esnaps = $ErrorSnaps | Select @{N="VM";E={$_.VM.Name}}, Name, Description, @{N="Size";E={[math]::round($_.SizeGB,2)}} | Out-String

$Header1 = "The following VMs contain Snapshots:


$Header2 = "The folowing snaphots were deleted today:


$Header3 = "The following contain errors and should be checked manually:


$vCenterSettings = Get-View -Id 'OptionManager-VpxSettings'

$MailSmtpServer = ($vCenterSettings.Setting | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq "mail.smtp.server"}).Value

ForEach($Recipient in $MailTo){

Send-MailMessage -from $MailSender -to $Recipient -subject "Snapshot Report" -body ($Header1+$Rsnaps+$Header2+$Dsnaps+$Header3+$Esnaps) -smtpServer $MailSmtpServer
